Friday, April 5, 2013

Basking Shark tagging project continues!.

News emerged yesterday that the tagging project initiated previously by  Scottish Natural Heritage  and the University of Exeter is to be continued. Rather than repeat much of what I said before may I suggest you take a look at the entry I put out previously  (Basking Shark Tagging Project  14.8.2012 ) as it contains useful links and a magnificent photograph of a Basking Shark showing to good effect how large they are!!

The project is to continue in 2013 with the intention of tagging 29 more individuals. Eight were tagged previously and had an inbuilt facility to show their locations on-line  You can elect to receive details of their journeys and the full links etc are given in the piece referred to above. It's both fascinating and amazing at the same time. Two individuals tagged off Scotland moved as far south this winter as the Canaries and west of Portugal, quite sensible too!!  Other tags are designed to "fall off" this Spring and will provide a variety of additional  data including the depth of water these individuals have moved into on different occasions. Should you come across one of these devices please contact SNH on 0300 244 9360. They are likely to be found washed up somewhere along our coastline and their return earns a reward for the lucky finder. An incentive that should keep small boys engaged all their summer holidays I should think! Seriously, given that the devices, which are only 15-18 cm long, contain data gathered throughout the past year, which the study team hasn't yet accessed in any way, their importance cannot be emphasised too highly!!

So, there you are, another year of immediate access to cutting edge research provided on line, linked to  creatures many people would love to see. Nonetheless, this is a second best opportunity to have a direct  insight into their lives and in the comfort of your own home too. Compelling stuff!

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